“I’m not getting my e-mails.”

We have had many reports, some direct, some anecdotal, of people not getting their e-mails in O365.  In almost all cases we have found that mail was being delivered directly to that user’s InBox in O365–but they weren’t finding it.  There are several reasons why that might be:

  1. You’re looking in the wrong place.  What has been known as “Bearmail” (and SOGo) stopped receiving any new mail the day you were migrated to Office 365.  All users received a message informing them of this.  If you are still checking there for new mail, you won’t find it.  If any of your devices are still configured to check there, they won’t find it either.  You should be using Microsoft Outlook as your only means of checking for and sending campus e-mail, and should delete all other SUNY Potsdam e-mail accounts from your computers and devices.
  2. “Conversations”.  Conversations is a “feature” of Outlook that keeps all messages from an e-mail thread grouped together for easy reference.  We have seen several instances of this feature “glitching”, however.  Most recently, a user’s entire Tuesday was “gone”!  Switching to “Message” view will resolve this.  At the top of your message list in Outlook (web version) you will see the word “All” with a little arrow next to it.  Click on that and a menu pops up.  At the bottom of the menu is a “View As” option.  Switch it from “Conversations” to “Messages”.  Any “missing” messages should reappear.  (You can turn Conversations back on if you find it useful–the messages won’t disappear again.)
  3. “Clutter”  Clutter is another “feature” that tries to make assumptions about what is or is not important to you, and it is on by default.  Sort of like “Junk,” it pays attention to how you deal with the messages in your InBox.  Types of messages you deal with quickly will tend to stay in your InBox.  Messages you don’t get to may get relegated to the “Clutter” box, where you might not be looking!  To turn off Clutter, right-click on “Clutter” under your InBox (web version), choose “Clutter Settings”, and UNcheck “Separate items identified as Clutter”.
  4. Junk.  No mail sent from anyone on campus (@potsdam.edu) should be flagged as Junk, but it’s possible for any mail from an external address to end up there.  You should check there frequently for “false positives,” especially when someone’s told you they sent you something and you can’t find it.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns about Office 365 or any other CTS-provided and -supported service, please contact the CTS Helpdesk by e-mailing helpdesk@potsdam.edu , or by calling 315-267-4444.  If you are sent to voice mail, leave a message with contact information and someone will follow up with you as soon as possible.